Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Question of Dominance

For whatever reason Nougat and Mo picked today to square off and see who's going to be boss pig.  This usually involves a good deal of noise, scent marking, chasing, mounting, contests of who can put their nose higher and the occasional attempt to pee on one's opponent.   Hilariously enough it looks like Mo started it, though he's only half Nougat's size.

+1 Mo, for launching off the rainbow hut onto Nougat because he's too small to mount Nu.
+1 Mo for using Nougat's face as leverage to try and get his nose higher.   

+1 Nu for bulldozing Mo around the cage with his face.
+1 Nu for using the cage sides to scrape Mo off his back.

Oop, now they're tired and they've both gone to sleep.  Looks like the score is tied, though I'm sure they're not finished yet.  I guess we'll find out!


  1. LOL This sounds hilarious! Glad they're not hurting each other.

  2. It's really a crack up to watch, they're such crazy little critters. There were no real signs of aggression during the entire episode, which was pretty awesome.
